Friday 12 June 2020


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Hope it is well with you at such a time as this?
I just feel I want to help some people, who have been praying and fasting, but don't see any change in  their lives. In some cases your problems may be as a result of a curses which are blocking and preventing you from receiving a breakthrough.         WHAT IS A CASE?  
A curse is whatever is repeatedly and constantly adverse, primitive and malicious against a person. A curse hinders all positive potential - SPIRITUAL,  MENTAL, PHYSICAL,  EMOTIONAL,  including the talents of the VICTIM.  The cause of these curses is sin in all its forms.                            TYPES OF CURSES.            
 1. ORIGINAL CURSE- GENESIS 3 :14-19                 - Was brought about because of DISOBEDIENCE.                   - It entails much sweat and HARD LABOUR.         It also entails DEATH AND CURSED GROUND- Little produce.                     
  - Through parental covenants- Lamentations 5:7                 
 -Disobedience to GOD'S WORD                                   
 - IDOLATRY IN THE TRIBE.                                   
 -Murder -( Avenging Spirit) NGOZI.                   
-Suicide                                - Incest                                   -witchcraft                                - Aldultery                              - Divorce                                -Poverty                               -Death - unexplainable/queer deaths                        -Deformities                       - No marriage to marriageable age - Boys and girls                                   - Barrenness                           - Lust and addictions               - Drunkenness                        -Insanity                             
3. DIRECT CURSE BY MAN -GENESIS 49:1-7; 20-25                           -They come through spoken word by some one you;                               - Hence wronged- PROPHECIES OF DOOM.           - Who hates you - Through  witchcraft.      
4. SELF -INFLICTED CURSE- MALACHI 3:9       - Direct disobedience  to God's WORD Such as:         - Tithing - Malachi 3:7-9            -IDOLATRY-Deuteronomy 27:18                                    Disobeying parents - Deuteronomy 27:16            -Robbing your neighbour - Deuteronomy 27:17,24      -Cruelty to BLIND PEOPLE- Deuteronomy 27:18                                   -Cruelty to strangers, fatherless,widow, House-maids - Deuteronomy 27:19; Exodus 22:21-22                 -Incest-Deuteronomy 27:20, 22-23                          -Bestiality - Deuteronomy 27:21           - Taking a bribe to slay innocent people( VIOLENCE) Deuteronomy:27:25               - Ignoring God's commands- ,Deuteronomy 27:26, Deuteronomy 28:15-                                     - Immorality-Genesis 49:3-4                                 - Stealing and lying -Joshua 7:1-2, 15; 2 Kings 5:20-27; Acts 5:1-10                                    -Slander, Gossip and Tale - Bearing- Genesis 9:20-25                                  Now I want to explain and talk about:" SYMTOMS OF CURSES AND DEMONIC OPPRESSION" and I will also talk about "Ministering deliverance  demonic of demonic curses, as well as demonic "OPPRESSION and Possession". Once again the subject  of curses is very topical and critical, as it requires an in- depth analysis. I just want to mention that Curse words are also called swear words.        "WHAT ARE SWEAR WORDS AND WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR?"                  A swear word is a word or phrase that's generally considered blasphemous,  obscene, vulgar, or otherwise offensive. These are also called bad words, obscenities, expletives, dirty words, profanities, and four - letter words. The act of using a swear word is kmown as swearing or cursing. Swear words serve many different functions in different social contexts. They express annoyance,  aggression and insult, for instance,  or they may express solidarity  and friendliness.To curse is also to utter a wish of evil against one; to imprecate evil upon; to execrate. The Bible says, " Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. ( Ephesians 4:29). The title of my message is: "WHAT IS A CURSE?"  The scripture also says, " He loved to pronounce a curse - may it come back on him. He found no pleasure in blessing - may it be far from him". ( Psalm 109:17) " Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse." ( Romans 12:14). So we are encouraged not to curse our enemies,  but to bless those who hate us.                                  WHAT ARE  THE " SYMPTOMS OF CURSES AND DEMONIC OPPRESSION?"                        - Living under and below one's rights, such as, employment:                          - Working a job far below experience and qualifications.                        -Demotions in employment.                         - Living in pitiful condition in the midst of abundance.                            - Having a lot, but not enjoying them.                       - Marriageable age but no marriage.                                - From heights of richness to sudden poverty mysteriously.           - Divorce patterns in the family.                                      - Disharmony in marriages in the family.        - Disasters in the family line.                                              1)CONSTANT ACCIDENTS                           2)PREMATURE DEATHS       3) DEFORMITIES - DISABILITIES                         4) PARTICULAR DISEASES, SUCH AS DOWN SYNDROME,  BLINDNESS, AMONG OTHERS .                                - Serial death of spouses.          - Barrenness.                            - Constant miscarriages.       - Uncontrollable immorality of a spouse.          - No spiritual breakthrough  - Deuteronomy 28:23                - Excessive failures in life endevours                             -Deuteronomy 28:15-68        - Miscarriages                         HISTORY OF PECULIAR DREAMS:                                 -About sex                              -Swimming                                    -Standing at river banks              - Living in a golden world or being rich.                        - Being pregnant                     -Giving birth                             - Suckling babies                       - Wild animals chasing you                                           - Dead relations or gravesites                               - Eating fresh meat or cooking food.                         -Nightmares                                                            -Visiting market places or attending big meetings                                 - Flying                                             - Waking up exhausted.        EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY - EXCESSIVE EMOTIONALITY:                     - Ungodly Anger                           
- Lust                                          - Addictions to masturbation                          - Addictions to lesbianism                               - Addictions to homosexuality                     ' Addictions to smoking - drugs                                       -Moods                                      -Weird imaginations - Hallucinations.                       -Pride                                       - Superiority or inferiority  complex                                  - Envy - jelousy                       - Lunacy - madness                - Forgetfulness                        - Extreme fear                         - Suicidal tendences              - Depression - frustration           SOCIAL/ SPIRITUAL INSTABILITY:                           -Excessive  poverty                 - Spiritual galloping               - Miscarriages                        - Unaccounted expenditure                              - Failed boy/ girl relations      - Excessive exam failures      - Divorces / deaths of spouses within the family line or marital disharmony.                            PHYSICAL INSTABILITY AND AILEMENTS:-                   -Persistent headaches               - Persistent stomach-  aches or abdominal pains.                                       - Laziness                              - Food allergies                        - Ulcers                                    - Some  asthma                           -Painful periods / seasonal sickness                   - Barrenness                          - Fast - heartbeat when preaching is on                    - Stomach pain after strong prayer                           - Foam or Froth in the mouth after or during prayer.                                   - Waking up exhausted.        -Chronic diseases that defy medical therapy.            - Feeling being strangled         WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN MINISTERING DELIVERANCE.                       A. Historical Background.              - Family background - Ancestral worship                - Personal spiritual exposure                           - Level of native doctor consultation                            - Level of false prophets       - Level of occultic participation.                       - Hereditary  history               - Places sought for relief       STEPS TOWARDS REPENTANCE                      1. Confession - 1 John 1:8- 10; Psalm 32:1-5, Psalm 51:1-17                          2. Command demons to go through doorways-  Luke 10:17; Matthew  16: 18.                                          3. Destroy contacts points - Genesis 31:30           4. Stop sinning - Abide in the Word - Romans 10: 17; John 15:4-8, John 3:7    5. Applying our weapons of warfare - Ephesians 6:11-18;  2 Corinthians 10:4                                           i) Belt of truth - Morality         ii) Breastplate of righteosness - Pride                   iii) Feet filled with readiness. Gospel of peace - Dissertion, selfishness                            iv) Shield of faith - fear           v) Helmet of salvation-  Wickedness  - Corruption  - Imaginations                        vi) The sword - Ignorance of the WORD                          vii) Pray in the Spirit - Spiritual weakness.                C. DECLARING THE BLOOD OF JESUS.                          - Revelation 12:11                   - Exodus 12:13                     -Hebrews 9:22                      - Leviticus 17:11                      D. DECLARING THE NAME OF JESUS.                         - Jesus of Nazareth                - Born of a virgin                     - Died on the Cross              - Resurrected on the THIRD DAY                             Luke 10:17                           Acts 4:12                                John 14:12-14                           E. STAYING FREE AFTER DELIVERANCE- JAMES 4:17                                          1. Demons plant doubts  of your deliverance.            2. Demons will counter attack ( 6 months)            3. Stay away  from sins in order to maintain your deliverance( Psalm 125:3, Romans 6:1-23).       4. Seven more wicked spirits may attack if you don't  feed yourself with the word.( Matthew 12:44, Joshua 1:8, Matthew 4:4).                                      5:Armour of God.                  F. HINDERANCES TO DELIVERANCE.                        
 1. Some people want freedom from responsibility-  being given guidance by dead relations or demons.              
2. Power over others -  Witchcraft control                 
3. Deep rooted sin - sexual pervesions, rebellion, forgiveness            
4. Love of pleasure                
5. Psychic powers - secret knowledge, telling fortunes.                                
 6. Companionship - some demons provide company.                            
In conclusion, it is clear that there can be sinful or destructive patterns that pass on from one generation to another in a family line! This is what is referred  to as generational curses or strongholds. I have already explained  different types of generational curses and how Jesus came to set us free. Some believers are in the battle of their lives because they are the transion point in their family line, breaking destructive cycles that have gone on for many generations. And for some, breaking a generational curse is the key to their freedom from bondange or oppression.    
 Because Jesus became a curse for us, no Christian must live under a generational curse. ( Galatians 3:13).
 I have already mentioned the types of curses, but I want to emphasize that there are six common curses, which are: 1. Ancestral curses which come through the bloodline.          
 2. Generational curses, which go from one generation to another in a family.  Some examples are heart disease, blood disease, and insanity.                      
3. Personal curses which are self- imposed or inflicted curses.                   
4. Inherited curses.                
 5. Tribal curses. These  are curses originating from your tribe or home town/ village.                          6. International curses. These are curses that cut accross continents.   I want you to  make the following declaration declaration:- May stubborn problems in my life, die by fire right now!
There is power in the blood of Jesus to break every chain in my life. We conquer satan, we conquer demons in the name of Jesus. Every satanic agenda of the wicked for my life, scatter by fire,  in the name of Jesus. Every weapon of the wickedness, assigned against my life, backfire in the name of Jesus. Every power binding me and my destiny, release me and let me go, right now in the name of Jesus. . Every generational curse working against my life, break and die, in the name of Jesus.  Every Occult power harassing my life with evil curses, die with your curses, in the name of Jesus. Every  stubborn curse controlling my life,  break and die, in the name of Jesus.  I declare and decree that there shall be no reiforcement, regrouping  and counterattack of curses against my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.   Thank you Lord for breaking every curse  operating in my life. Pronounce blessings over your life  to replace the curses that you have just broken, in the name of Jesus Christ- Amen!               
May God richly bless you all!                     
Evangelist Fanuel Masikati                                  
Cell: 263778495363

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