Saturday 13 June 2020


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Here is the word  for your meditation and prayer!
I just want to mention that in this world we live in,  there are many things that offend people. Many people are wounded and hurt, due to bitterness and stress, caused by offenses and unforgiveness. However, unforgiveness and offense, can be a hindrance to our breakthroughs and blessings.  ( Mark 11:25-25, Isaiah 59:1-4). The title of my message is:" OFFENSE STOPS THE  BLESSING OF GOD. "          
Jesus expressed the benefit of remaining unaffected by offense to His cousin, John the Baptist.
While John was in prison, he sent his disciples to ask Jesus if He was the " Coming One" or they should look for another. Matthew 11:4-6 clarifies the response Jesus sent to John the Baptist.
The Bible says, Jesus answered and said, " Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them.  And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me."( Matthew 11:4-6) Some theologians actually believe by the way this passage is worded in the Greek that John the Baptist was offended by Jesus. Notice the serious admonition that Jesus sent to John and his followers: " Blessed is he who is not offended because of Me."
Jesus stressed that if John and his disciples would not become offended, the blessings of God would continue to flow to them. On the other hand, if they did become offended, then the blessings would be hindered. You can be certain that the devil will send the opportunity to become offended your way, using any person or circumstance available. The critical question is: How you react when offensive situations come? While one reaction will bring the anointing, the blessing,  and the goodness of God, the other will bring a curse.
Although Galatians 3:13 says that Christ has redeemed us from the curse, you can make choices that will leave you vulnerable and defenseless to it. Through disobedience to God's Word, you can open a door to the devil that will allow him to take advantage of you. Obedience is better than sacrifice. ( 1 Samuel 15:22).  Don't give the devil a foothold". ( Ephesians 4:26-32) "Never give place to the devil".
For example, when you allow offense to consume your heart, it will begin to fester like a cancerous disease that will soon destroy you. Remember, even though the Word says offense will come, you can respond in the same manner in which Jesus did toward Peter and refuse to take hold of it! ( Matthew 18:7). Don't be offended!  Be calm and composed! Take time to react and respond to any  provocative situation. ( James 1:19-22).
Offense and sin can block and stop your blessings from manifesting. I want to encourage you  even at a time such as this, during the Covid-19 lockdown, to utilize the opportunity and reconcile with all people who offended and hurt you. Swallow your pride and ask for forgiveness from those you offended. I also challenge all those who were offended or hurt, to accept the apology and live freely and peaceful. ( Matthew 6:12-15, Isaiah 43:25).
If you can't forgive or accept the apology for forgiveness, never worst time praying the Lord's prayer, which I quoted above. Otherwise, you will be just pretending and playing religious gymnastics, that won't take you anywhere. These are the last days, stop pretending and redeem the time, because the days are evil. ( Ephesians 5:13-16). Wake up you sleeper! Don't perish because of your arrogance and pride! 
Forgive and forget, and you will receive your breakthrough. If you are there, and you have been wondering why it has taken you so long to receive your breakthrough and answered prayers, know that you could be the stumbling block and hindrance to your blessings, because of harbouring unforgiveness and offense. 
Be delivered and set free right now, in the name of Jesus Christ!                    
May God richly bless you all! 
Evangelist Fanuel Masikati          

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