Wednesday 17 January 2018


SHALOM!  I was meditating on the subject of the spiritual realm, concerning the whole Spiritual world, on how amazing and wonderful it is, as it dominates all spheres of life, physically,  spiritually and materially. It also controls the happenings in the heavens, earth planet and the under world. I just want to share a bit about : PROGRESSION IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD". 
 There is growth and development, which takes place in one's Christian life, in the Spiritual World. I have since come to understand that, one continues to grow  and progress even in the perfection of the Spiritual World.
 Progression is through  love and service to others. We have to practice and demonstrate our love and faith,  by our works and actions. " Brothers and sisters, it doesn't make any sense to say you have faith and act in a way that denies that faith. Mere talk never gets you very far, and a commitment to Jesus only in words will not save you. It would be like seeing a brother or sister without any clothes out in the cold and begging for food, and saying, "Shalom, friend, you should get inside where it's warm and eat something," but doing nothing about his needs - leaving him cold and alone in the street. What good would your words alone so? The same is true with faith. Without actions, faith is useless. By itself, it's as good as dead.  " ( James 2 :14-17). 
 Self- interest is a hindrance to spiritual progress. This applies to both self- centredness in self seeking, self-preservation and even spiritual self-seeking. There is also  spiritual selfishness,  where one seeks only to progress oneself spiritually.
Sadly, this in itself hinders spiritual growth and development. True growth comes by being God-  like, with pure love and benevolence towards others. We must practice and demonstrate perfect love as a sign of Spiritual progression .
 Perfect love is the love for God and other people. It is the love of God in us for Him and for man. ( 1 John 4:12-18). The word "perfect" is taken from a Greek word " teleios" , which means, mature, full grown and becoming more like Jesus Christ..
 1 John 3:16-17 says, " This is how we have come to understand and experience love: Christ sacrificed his life for us. This is why we ought to live sacrificially for our fellow believer, and not just be out for ourselves. If you see some brother or sister in need and have the means to do something about it but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God's love? It disappears. And you made it disappear."
 In the spiritual world, spirits progress by helping others. Uncoscious of one's own spirituality or glory, the motivation of love and care towards others transforms a spirit internally into a greater and higher glorious state.
 " He who seeks his life will loose it but he who looses his life will find it ( Luke 17:33).  There is no place for self -centredness in the Spiritual World. It is the source of sin, iniquity and darkness.
 Remember, Chist in us is the light of this world, and where the light is, there is no darkness. " Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world : he that followeth  me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." ( John 8:12).

Humans who live in this earth are so used to self- interest and self -preservation that we do not realise how contrary it is in nature to our true inward selves and the reality of the Spiritual World. The true moments of glory that shine in human events are when the self is forgotten in an act of pure love.
There is a form of self-sacrifice that is still selfish. "I could give all that I have to feed the poor, I could surrender my body to be burned as martyr, but if I do not live in love, I gain nothing by my selfless acts" ( 1 Corinthians 13:3).
 And there is another form of pure self-sacrifice that is born out of the power of God's love in us ( John 3:16; 1 John 4:17). The best spiritual state of being and mindset to be in is  to be completely absorbed and in union with the presence of God's love and be living our lives out of the propulsion and energy of love that consumes us and causes us to love and care for others.
 The transformation of glory is greatest in this state of being just like Moses was completely unaware of the glory affecting him as he talked to God and ministered to the people under his charge ( Exodus 34:29-30).
 The apostle Paul who speaks about the glory of God that transforms from glory to glory also spoke of the love of God that moves and constrains him to do all that he did ( 2 Corinthians 3:18; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, 2 Corinthians 5:14).
 So there is growth and progression in the Spiritual World, for those that are not self-centred and self- seeking. 
 Once again let me mention that there is no place for self- centredness in the Spiritual World. Hope this will assist you to understand things of the spirit,  in the invisible Spiritual World.
 May God richly bless you.                                       
Evangelist Masikati