Thursday 11 June 2020


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Here is a prayer for the Nation at such a time as this. : PRAYER POWER FOR THE NATION"
Father in the name of Jesus, Lord, I pray for the people of this country to find healing for the memories  of the tragedies that  have happened in our land. I pray especially for those who have lost their loved ones in defense of our country. I also pray for those that have lost their loved ones due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Give them a greater sense of your presence so that  they may find Your comfort. Heal the brokenhearted people who have now lost hope. Provide for their every need. As we weep with those who weep, help us to bear their burden in prayer. Pour your healing love over them so they will know and experience Your peace. Help us not to forget why we must " pray without ceasing" for our nation to be protected( 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Help us to remember that the only things in this world that are indestructible are You and Your Word. Your word always reminds us to seek Your face and pray in times such as this. ( 2 Chronicles 7:14) Your Word also tells us that there will be cataclysmic events that will happen in the world, but I pray that there will be an end to disasters or tragedies in our nation. Even if those kinds of events do occur, I pray that You will protect us in the midst of them. Turn the heart of our nation to You. Awaken in us a new realization of our need for Your guidance and protection. Give us a new  understanding of what is really important. Your Word says that You have " borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. ( Isaiah 53:4). Bear our griefs now, carry our sorrows, and put gladness in our hearts as  only You can do. Lord teach me to be a powerful intercessor for my family, neighbors, community, city, and nation. Help me to pray consistently and with great understanding. Give me revelation and insight that guides my prayers so that I may pray more effectively.
Help the believers of this nation to rise up together and learn to pray in power. ( Acts 4:31)
Enable us to teach our children how to pray as well, and help us all to understand what it means to be a nation whose God is the Lord. In the name of Jesus, I pray- Amen! 
May God richly bless you all as you pray for the nation without ceasing!                
Evangelist Fanuel Masikati

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