Saturday 17 April 2021



Greetings in name of Jesus Christ! Here is a message for your meditation and prayer! I am delighted to share a message of hope and encouragement at such a time as this. The title of my message is: "HONOUR COMES AFTER HUMILITY" The Living Bible in Proverbs 15:33 says, " Humility and reverence for the Lord will make you both wise and honored."  Humiliation of soul always brings a positive blessing with it. If we empty our hearts of self, God will fill them with His love. He who desires close communion with Christ should remember the word of the Lord, " To this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of contrite spirit, and trembleth at My Word." ( Psalm 51:17) Stoop if you would climb to heaven. Do we not say of Jesus, " He descended that he may ascend"? so must you.( Ephesians 4:8-10) You must grow downwards, that you may grow upwards; for the sweetest fellowship with heaven is to be experienced by humble souls, and by them alone. God will deny no blessing to a  thoroughly humbled  spirit. Matthew 5:3 says, " Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven," with all its  riches and  treasures. The scripture in Proverbs 22:4 also says, "True humility and respect for the Lord lead a man to riches, honor, and long life."(Living Bible) The whole exchequer of God shall be made over by deed of gift to the soul which is humble enough to be able to receive it without growing proud because of it. God blesses us all up to the full measure and extremity of what it is safe for Him to do. If you do not get a blessing, it is because it is not safe for you to have one. Some blesings will not come to us or manifest until we mature. James 4:2-3 says, " ..........And even if you do ask  you don't get it because your whole aim is wrong - you want only what will give you pleasure" If our heavenly Father were to let your unhumbled spirit win a victory in His holy war, you would pilfer the crown for yourself, and meeting with a fresh enemy you would fall a victim; so that you are not kept low for your own safety.
  The Bible also says, " Humble yourselves  ( feeling very insignificant) in the presence of the Lord,  and He will exalt  you ( He will lift you up and make your lives significant)( James 4:10) Humility exalts and lifts you up! When a man is sincerely humble, and never ventures to touch so much as a grain of praise, there is scarcely any limit to what God will do for him. Humility makes us ready to be blessed by the God of all grace,  and fits us to deal efficiently with our fellow men. True humility is a flower which will adorn any garden. This is the sauce with which you may season every dish of life, and you will find an improvement in every case. Whether it be prayer or praise, whether it be work or suffering, the genuine salt of humility cannot be used is excess. The scripture also says," He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less. Jesus will be made more manifest in you, if you ground to zero, in humility. The more you humble yourself, the more you attract divine favour and elevation. Sink to the ground first, in order to shoot to the top. Be like your role model Jesus, who chose to remain humble and was exalted and given the name that is above all other names, due to His humility and love. " Let this same attitude and purpose and ( Humble) mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus:( Let  Him be your example in humility: ) ( Philippians 2:5-11). Humility is constructive, but pride is destructive. Be humble to receive honour and respect.  Be humble to attract riches and honour! Be humble to attract divine favour and abundant grace! I pray that you continue to experience God's resurrection power everyday, as you remain humble and faithful to God. 

May God richly bless you!        

Evangelist Fanuel Masikati




Ndinokukwazisai muzita raMambo Jesu! Rugare mhuri yekutenda! Herino shoko retariro panguva yakadai! Regai nditi muhupenyu vanhu takasiyana masikirwo edu, nemaropafadziro edu. Kune vamwe manogwesha, vamwe vanokambaira, vamwe vachifamba, kozoita vanomhanya, nevanomanyisa, nekubhururuka.  Asi vose vanhu ava vanopedzisira vasvika kwavanofanira kuyenda. Ndizvo zvinoita hupenyu hatisviki kwatinoda tose nguva imwe chete. Umwe ne umwe, anemaitiro ake nemafambiro ake,  achamusvitsa kwaanoenda. Kunonoka hakutadzisi kuti usvike kwaunoda kuyenda, uchasvika pakasvika vamwe, huye uchaitirwavo zvakaitirwa vamwe, nekunguva yako yawakasikirwa naMwari. Musango mhuka dzinonwa mvura panzvimbo imwe chete, asi hadzisviki pamwechete. Chikamba, mbeva, tsuro, gudo, mhara, mhofu, nyati, shumba  , nzou nezvimwe zvakasiyanasiyana, zvino famba nokurarama zvakasiyanasiyana, asi zvose zvinorarama nekufamba kwakasiyana. Ndizvovo nehupenyu hwemunhu, umwe neumwe, takasiyana kuropafadzva kwedu, huye nenguva yekuropafadzva. Kana uchigwesha, gwesha, kana uchikambaira, kambaira, kana uchifamba, famba, kana uchimhanya, mhanya, kana uchimhanyisa, mhanyisa, asi mhedzisiro uchasvika chete paunofanira kusvika. Mirira nguva YAKO, nemafambiro ako, zvichaita chete, nezita raJesu-Amen. Rangarira kuti chinhu chimwe nechimwe chinenguva yacho...! ( Muparidzi/ Ecclesiastes 3:1) Zvako zvichaitavo nenguva yako yakwana. Huye vanomirira Jehovah, vanopiwa simba.(Isaya/ Isaiah 40:31) Ramba wakashinga, zvako zvichaita chete, nezita raJesu-Amen!

Ramba wakamira, wakadzvanya pakutenda, uchasvika chete nezita raJesu-Amen,( Vahebheru/ Hebrews 11:6) 

Ndini wenyu muna Kiristu 

Muvhangeri Fanuel Masikati




Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! How are you family of God? I hope it is well with you. I want to share about some of the questions that are usually asked by Christian believers! I love people/  believers who ask questions like those at Berea in the Bible.( Acts 17:11) The title of my message is:" Did Satan Appear Physically to Tempt Jesus, or Did He Only Appear in Jesus's Mind?" The scripture in Matthew 4:3 says,  " And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God,  command that these stones be made bread." Satan has a celestial body as per scripture in 1 Corinthians 15:40. We can not see him but we know as per the word of God that he is a real person and now his realm of operations is predominantly the planet earth. We are told about his throne in Revelations 2:13.  But our Lord as the Son  of God, being the second revealed person of the Trinity, could see him and thus He interacted with satan as a real person as we interact with each other as terrestrial beings. Don't forget that a day is coming when satan will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him,........(Revelation 20:2-3)". But now our eyes are not opened to see him. Celestial beings like angels of The Lord were visible to human beings Think of Mary seeing Gabariel; even Daniel seeing Michael. So I believe  that the Lord Jesus faced the devil as a real person and not His mental realm. From what I can see,  the words "came" and "said" used in the book of Matthew referring to people physically  approaching, audibly speaking. The dialogue seems to indicate that Satan appeared to Jesus physically. Is is possible that Satan was present but not in physical form that we could see but still conversed with Christ? I suppose it could be. But as the temptation reflects back upon the temptation of Adam abd Eve in the garden where Satan did take phsical form  ( albeit a snake), I don't see any compelling reason to think that Satan did not have physical form throughout this temptation.  Let us desire spiritual gifts in order to see im the  spiritual realm. Remember, Elisha's servant saw physically the army of Syria which had come attack them, but could not see in the spiritual realm the army of the Lord that was present to protect them, until Elisha prayed and his spiritual eyes where opened. ( 2 Kings 6:14-17) We may all be Christians  or pastors, but the giftings are not the same. Some people have the ability to see what others can't see. I have an experience where I see demons or evil spirits on a person who is possessed, but others may not see that. We all have different gifts. There are many times where Jesus would say Satan get off my back, but his disciples would not see it. You can see evil spirits and witches, if you are anointed and Spirit filled, with a certain gift upon you. Some related questions which are always asked by other believers  are:Why is it that Mary Magdalene did not recognize Jesus when He appeared to her? Why did Satan tempt Jesus when he had no sin nature? Why did Jesus appear in a special way to Mary Magdalene and with no others at the tomb? Why Jesus say He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel? Why did Jesus instruct  us to pray' lead us not into temptation ' when God states that He does not tempt us?What did sacrifices have to do with the Lord's appearing?    Hope this is clear and will assist many other people accordingly!

Stay blessed and protected in the name of Jesus Christ!

Evangelist Fanuel Masikati

Contact cell: +263778495363