Monday 1 April 2019


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! I am pleased to share the word of encouragement. The scripture in John 4:34-38 says,“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.  Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true.  I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labour"

In Matthew 9:35-38, Jesus also talks of the need for more harvesters in the Lord's field, to harvest souls for the Kingdom of God.
The title of my message is : "Respond  to God's true Call".
If I may ask, 'What is it that is keeping you from doing the work of God?'
Maybe you are not sure of your calling into ministry?
Or maybe you are waiting for a certain time to start your calling? What ever it is, the Lord says the harvest is plenty but the labourers  are few.

We are all called into the ministry, some respond to the calling there and then, some procrastinate, some ignore the call and some refuse.
If you have not responded to the call what is it that is holding you back from doing the work of the Lord?
There are so many things that take our time so much that we neglect the call of God. It might be the jobs that we have, the person you are in a relationship with, the pursuit of money and other worldly things like cars, houses, clothes  and other materialistic things.
"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, all these other things will be added unto you". ( Matthew 6:33). 
We are not created to chase after worldly things, but to serve God, to worship Him, honour Him and do the will of Him who has created us.
Look at this; our Lord Jesus Christ lived everyday to fulfil His purpose on earth and everything He did was for the fulfilment of His purpose.
He never at any day took a salary in this world. He did not have a house where it was His permanent residence.
He did not spend His time on earth in pursuit of trends and the fancy things of this world.
All He did was for the fulfilment of His purpose on earth.( Romans 12:2).
Christ became selfless for His purpose.
We are to emulate the life of Christ and His dedication to do the will of God.
All of His needs were taken care of by God who sent Him, including His disciples too. 
So the question is how important are the things that hinder us from doing the will of God and respond to the calling for us to work for God?
That which we chase is vanity as we will die and live all of it.
If it's a job that takes away your time, know this if you die today within a month you will be replaced by someone else.
If it's money that takes your time you won't take it to the grave with you.
But pursuing the will of God and answering His call and be a labourer in His kingdom is rewarding eternally.

Take time and seek the face of God and let Him guide you to your calling.
God seeks labourers for the harvest is ready.
Don't let the things of the world take you away from your calling into ministry.  Let us pray the following prayer together: "Father help me to identify my calling so that I can be a labourer for your Kingdom and may I learn to put your will first, before my needs and wants in Jesus name, we pray-
If you have prayed the above prayer honestly, today must mark the beginning of a turn around in your life as you respond to the  true Call of God into ministry! 
" Respond to God's true Call!" ( Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 6:6-8)  " Here am I send me!"  May God help you to respond to His call!  
Evangelist Fanuel Masikati

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