Thursday 11 April 2019


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! I am delighted to share a message of enlightenment and empowerment, at such a time as this when things in people's eyes seem to be challenging and worrying.
However, we do not live by works of flesh, but by works of promises and God's grace. Therefore remain hopeful and focused on God's promises, in order to experience God's abundance and increase in your life.
The tittle of music message is: " Make yourself  Successful" The Bible says, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."
(Joshua 1:8)

Many people if God would just easily make them prosperous, they were just going to sit by and watch. That however is not only erroneous but is unwise. The Bible talks of Isaac who was a blessed man, but he was a farmer, he sowed seed and harvested a hundred fold.
Note this , Isaac did not simply send an offering to church and got a harvest from the farm. Isaac sowed seed in the farm, and he also worked.( Genesis 26:12-17) Jacob was a blessed man, but he worked for his father in law in  order to earn his wealth.
He also  had to be strategic to win his chosen wife, after being tricked by his in- laws  .( Genesis27:23-30)
God places the responsibility of success upon us. There are people waiting for someone to come and make them successful and that person is not coming, you have to work hard for your success and prosperity.
Pray hard without ceasing for your blessings and breakthrough. Don't wait for someone or your pastor, evangelist,  prophet or apostle to do it for you. Take the initiative and a bold step to empower yourself through the word of God, in order to receive revelation for your plan and purpose for life.
When planning for your ministry or project, don't think many people would be passionate about souls like you are and quickly join hands with you in spreading the gospel for the harvesting of souls. If you bank on other people for support to do great things in life, that support may never come, whether small for what you may intend to do. 
Put your trust in God and not man or your pastor.
I personally discovered how it works: If nobody is going to finance me then I am going to finance myself.
If nobody is going invite me, then I am going go find some place to preach, and not wait for anybody to create opportunities for me or make me a success. The honest truth is, people are too busy with their own lives to begin to think of making you a success and very few people ever think their success has to do with them helping you.
There are three hands necessary for success in life.
It is the hand of God and your two hands . Commit everything to God and work hard until you reach  and achieve your goal and destiny. ( Proverbs 16:1-3, Isaiah 59:1-2).  God's hand is never short to help you in every area of your life.
Remember, Jesus is the only destiny Helper you have in this life. Others are destiny killers and PHD s( Pull him down) people. No matter how great the hand of God is upon you, without your hands being involved you are going to turn out a failure in life.
David was anointed, but he went to face a fierce war and needed also to use his hands in order to kill the giant Goliath, God being his helper. (1 Samuel 17:44-51)
There are some demonic spirits and forces in our lives that require us to act and even sacrifice, in order to be totally set free and delivered.  Miracles don't just pop out of the sky like many people imagine.
Are you waiting for someone to send you to school or to give you money to start a project?
My fellow believers , that person may be no one else, but yourself.
Its time you stop looking for help from afar.  God( Jesus) lives in you , he can help you through yourself.
In my life I have had very few prophecies from others, many times God talks to me through my mouth. I interpret my own tongues and get blessed. There are those waiting for someone to prophesy to them and that person may not come.
Do you really think your Pastor will not sleep because you are suffering? If you can't spend the night praying for yourself and family, do you think there is someone out there who loves you more than yourself to do more for you?
Brethren in Christ, it is now the time for you to take matters into your own hands and let God work through you. It is only God who can give you  something or blessings, without grumbling.  Don't pray for your uncle to give you something, become responsible yourself.
Don't blame anyone for your failures, make yourself a success by acting on the word, it doesn't matter the state of your nation.
The LORD JESUS has already purchased for you the glorious life, walk in it.
Take it by faith and move on with life. ( Matthew 11:12, Hebrews 11:6)
May God richly bless you!                                  
Evangelist Fanuel Masikati

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