Thursday 19 May 2022



Greetings is the name of Jesus Christ. I just want to encourage you to remain composed and focused, despite the challenges you may be facing right now. The title of my message is:"WAIT PATIENTLY FOR YOUR BREAKTHROUGH"  Don't waver or stagger in your faith. Have a goal and vision for life, no matter  the delay and challenges, remain hopeful to achieve your purpose in life. ( Proverbs 29:18, James 1:2-7). Remember, where there is no vision, people perish, and there is always an appointed time and season for everything under heaven. Delay is training, and not denial. Wait for God's time and season, it shall be well with you. As you wait upon the Lord, you renew your strength and hope.( Isaiah 40:31, Romans 5:3-5) However, waiting requires patience and faith in God. Patience and endurance is what you need in life, in order to receive God's promises for your life.( Hebrews 10:35-39, Ecclesiastes 3:1, 2 Corinthians 1:20) Remain hopeful and expectant, God never fails. You will rejoice in due season!(Galatians 6:9-10) When the time is right the Lord will make it happen.( Isaiah 60:22) It is well and it shall be well with you, in the fulness of time.

 May God richly bless you! 

Apostle Fanuel Masikati

Contact cell:263778495363

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