Thursday 19 May 2022



Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Here is the word for your meditation and prayer! I am delighted to share the word of encouragement and empowerment at such a time as this! The title of my message is: "A DIVINE PROGRESSION OF PRAYER LIFE"  It is important for us to understand that the desire to pray is not something we can work up in our flesh; rather, the desire to pray is birthed in us  by the Holy Spirit. Pray that God will help you transform that divine desire into daily discipline. As discipline to pray is formed within you, discipline will 'change gears'. Prayer will no longer be duty or drudgery. It will become a holy delight. God longs to see your heart transformed into a house of prayer. Why? Because there is so much he longs to do for you and through you. Therefore, as you begin to pray a divine progression will take place within you. Let me explain what I mean. It was a normal business- as - usual day in the temple of Jerusalem until the moment Jesus walked in. His grief joined hands with Holy anger. After fashioning a whip from small  cords, Jesus strode purposefully towards the money - changers and the buyers and sellers of oxen, sheep and doves, forcefully driving them and their mooing, cooing  bleating wares out of the temple. Before the amazed onlookers  could react, Jesus was back, this time to overthrow the tables and seats of the money-changers and dove - sellers. The scattered coins still spun and rolled accross the flow as he thundered, " My house will be called a house of prayer, " but you are making it a "den of robbers" (Matthew 21:13). Aware that only the guilty had anything to fear, the blind and the lame thronged to him in the temple, and he healed them there amid the laughter and happy hosannas of children. When the chief priests and scribes angrily demanded that Jesus quieten the children's joyful cries, he calmly  countered,  ' Have you never read        " From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise"?'( Matthew 21:12-16). Take a moment to observe the beautiful progression in these verses. First, Jesus cleansed the temple, causing it to become a house of purity( v12). Then he pronounced that it would be called the House of prayer ( v13). Next the temple was transformed into a house of power as the blind and lame came to him and he healed them there( v14). And finally, the temple became a house of perfected praise( v16).  Shouldn't this same progression take place in the church and in the individual believer today? To echo the words of Paul,' Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?' ( 1 Corinthians 3:16). You and I are part of the church that is the habitation of God  through the Spirit ( Ephesians 2:20-22). But sadly, our temples, too, are often polluted by grasping greed, manoeuvring motives and selfish sins. It is a mockery for believers to talk one way and live another. God will not bless an impure church. His  church will not become the house of power and perfected praise until it allows the Holy Spirit to purify its sanctimonious soul and transform it into a house of prayer.  Listen to God's solemn warning to his church: ' Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert '( Hebrews 3:7-8). These  verses indicate that because the children of Israel heard but did not heed  their mission to possess the land of Canaan was thwarted. God had promised that land to the children of Israel.  But when ten out of twelve men sent by Moses to spy out the land returned fearful and faint - hearted because the land seemed unconquerable, an entire generation died in the wilderness. Although two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, confidently affirmed, ' We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it' ( Numbers 13:30), when the vote was in, the tens had it over the twos. God does not operate on our own timetables. He has His own programme even in your own life right now, when the time is right he will make it happen. ( Isaiah 60:22). God was ready to march the Israelites despite their unbelief and fear. He  can do it for you and me, as long as we trust him and commit all our cares and issues of life to him. Mediocrity has invaded the body of Christ, and we think it's Normal. God is accelerating everything in these last days, yet ninety - nine per cent of us are lagging behind. We long to see God's power, but before the power of God can be revealed, we must develop the discipline of prayer.( Luke 18:1, Ephesians 6:18). Pray without ceasing!( 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Today if you hear his voice calling you to pray, don't harden your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you no rest until your prayer life moves from mere desire to daily discipline and on to holy delight. Let Jesus drive out and overtun the things in your life that are preventing your temple from becoming a house of prayer. Smelly oxen, bleating sheep  cooing doves and tarnished coins are poor substitute for the satisfying, Holy presence of God. Face the facts. If you do not begin to pray, you will not be any further along with the Lord next year than you are right now.There is always the agony of choice before the promise of change. So what will it be:business as usual or are you ready to take your next step with God? Jesus is waiting for you to pray, ' Lord, make my temple a house of purity, prayer, power and perfected praise for your glory.' He is ready to begin that divine progression in your temple right now. Are you? I leave you to respond freely! Remember, as your own temple becomes a house of prayer and purity, to will be able to access good news this year.  Good news is your portion! Good news is my portion in the name of Jesus Christ. 

May God richly bless you!

Apostle Fanuel Masikati

Contact cell:+263778495363

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