Wednesday 23 February 2022



Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Here is the word for your meditation and prayer! I am delighted to share the word of encouragement and hope, at such a time as this. I just want to start by mentioning that, in life we sometimes encounter serious challenges which may derail our faith in God. Some experiences may even leave us cast down and brokenhearted, due to the extent of the tribulations and challenges. The title of my message is: "NEVERTHELESS, I WILL STILL WORSHIP YOU LORD" The Living Bible in Psalms 34:1 says,
[1]"I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. I will constantly speak of his glories and grace." In the above scripture David says, despite what may happen in life,  he would still praise and worship the Lord. David encountered many challenges in his time as king of the Israelites, although he was considered to be a man after God's own heart. Many times when people go through painful and devastating circumstances, they are likely to give up or backslide in their Christian faith. However, there are  good examples of people who never gave up worshipping God, even though they went through many storms of challenges.
The Living Bible in Job 2:9-10 says,
[9]"His wife said to him, “Are you still trying to be godly when God has done all this to you? Curse him and die.”
[10]But he replied, “You talk like some heathen woman. What? Shall we receive only pleasant things from the hand of God and never anything unpleasant?” So in all this Job said nothing wrong." Job is a good example of a man who feared and worshipped God despite the many challenges he faced during his lifetime. He refused to talk bad about the Lord despite all those challenges he faced in life. He said no matter what had happened I will still save and worship my God. His wife said to him, " Are you still trying to be godly when God has done all this to you? Curse him and die." Job was quick to remind his wife that we must not just expect to receive good things only,  even bad things befall good people as well, including God's children.  He said, " Shall we receive only pleasant things from God and never anything unpleasant?" May I hasten to mention that God never causes unpleasant experiences, but may bring trials with a room to escape.( 1 Corinthians 10:13) It is the devil who causes untold suffering to mankind, after God had allowed it to happen, even in the above scripture, but Job  never complained, but still remained faithful and hopeful in the Lord. What shall separate us from the love of God, is it tribulations, suffering, hunger or death, above all these things we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.( Romans 8:35-39) You must also get to a stage where you say" Nevertheless, I will still worship you lord" despite all what I am facing or experiencing right now!" Challenges,  problems, unanswered prayers, should not separate you from the love of God. Instead the more challenges, the more your prayer power!  Prayer does not kill, but it gives you strength.  " Prayers are deathless. They outlive the lives of those who utter them."( Bruce Wilkinson author of The prayer of Jabez* Bible study) The above quote gives us hope that despite not seeing early results of our prayer requests,  we must be rest assured that our prayers don't expire or die, they outlive us and they will surely come to pass, in the name of Jesus Christ. Never give up, no matter what happens in life.
The Living Bible in Daniel 3:16-18 says,
[16]"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not worried about what will happen to us.
[17]If we are thrown into the flaming furnace, our God is able to deliver us; and he will deliver us out of your hand, Your Majesty.
[18]But if he doesn’t, please understand, sir, that even then we will never under any circumstance serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have erected.”  The Hebrew men above, were determined and optimistic that, no matter what happens to them, they would  still serve the Lord. They were prepared to face anything, in order to defend their God. Don't allow anything to kill or destroy your faith in God. Be steady and persistent in prayer, despite your current situation and circumstances. Press on, don't give up. Patience and endurance is what you need, before receiving your promise.( Hebrews 10:35-39) Good news is your portion this year! Good news is my portion! What is it that which is bothering you? Remember, Job suffered for many years and lost everything, including his children, but his later years  were successful and prosperous.  The Bible says,  " So the Lord blessed Job at the end of his life more than at the beginning.  For now he had 14 000 sheep, 6, 000 camels  1 000 teams of oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys. God also  gave him seven more sons and three more daughters. These were the names of his daughters: Jemina, Kezia, Karen.......*"( Job 42:12-17). Job despite what he went through,  he finally lived long to experience abundant blessings. Listen child of God, age is just a number, you can still make it in life. You can still get married or marry and have many children.  You can still start a business and prosper, like never before. You can still enrol for further studies and gradute.   Whatever, you have been believing God for, just wait upon the Lord, He will make it happen, in due season. You have gone through dark valleys and frightening forests, but the Lord has not forsaken or abandoned you. You are what you are today, because of his grace. ( 1 Corinthians 15:10) Grace sustains you when it seems hopeless and directionless! I know you have been disappointed and cheated, but just say," NEVERTHELESS, I WILL STILL WORSHIP YOU LORD." Don't give up! Don't quit! Don't surrender! It shall be well with you, when the time is right. ( Isaiah 60:22). The Lord will surely make it happen, in the fulness of time. Just know and believe that, you are not labouring in vain, you shall testify the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.( Psalm 27:13-14, Jeremiah 29:11)  Pray without ceasing! It shall soon come to pass, when the time is ripe.( Ephesians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Luke 18:1).

May God richly bless you! 

Apostle  Fanuel Masikati

Contact cell:+263778495363

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