Wednesday 15 August 2018


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! I just want to encourage you that, despite the challenges and problems you are facing, as well as the prevailing situation, there is still hope for your life. The Bible says, " Then Shekaniah son of Jeniel, one of the descendants of Elam, said to Ezra, "We have been unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women from the peoples around us. But in spite of this, there is still hope for Israel." ( Ezra 10:2).
The title of my message is: "There is still hope for Israel! "
Imagine that you live in a place that has battled a long drought. Everywhere you look, the soil is cracked, dusty and lifeless. It is like it never rained there.
It might seem like crops or trees would never grow again.
But, if you have lived very long,  you know that even the longest drought can be  broken by rainfall. Even the longest suffering and barrenness can come to an end. ( Genesis 18:14, Genesis 21:1-6, Psalm 30:5). ALL HOPE IS NOT LOST!
In life, we can feel like that dry, cracked soil. Everything goes wrong; we face a long dry season, hoping to experience something that brings hope and joy.
But you can move from hopelessness to joy!
You may be in a relationship that has become difficult and  drains you of your hope.
Like that drought - dried soil, you feel like you will never be able to grow again.
Maybe you placed your hope on someone and were  disappointed. Sometimes we can be fooled by things that appear real, but later rob us of joy and hope. 
At some point, you will discover that false hope has made your life dry and difficult.
You may want to give up. You may feel that there is no way forward and that you will die in that dry place of hopelessness.
However, there is still hope for your life, don't give up!  ( Hebrews 10:35-39, Romans 5:3-5).
Finding real hope is our desire as believers in Christ. Remember, hope does not disappoint!
There is hope for your marriage, health, relationship, business,  project, the society and Nation at large.
There is genuine hope that can bring joy back to you! Like rain on a drought -ridden desert, hope refreshes your life and brings you lasting peace.(John 7:37-39).
Where does such a hope come from? "Hope refreshes your life........" 
Hope comes from placing your trust in Jesus Christ.
Jesus came to solve a problem that every man and woman faces. It is called "sin".
The Bible says that because of the wrong things we do, everyone falls short of who God wants us to be. ( Romans 3:23
In the scripture above the Israelites, had been involved in foreign marriages and God was disappointed, but however there was still hope for the future.
There was still hope for Israel! 
When you allow Jesus Christ to take control of your life, then He will bring life giving forgiveness into your situation and bring you hope. Real hope that is as precious to you as rain falling on drought-ridden land. ( Isaiah 55:10-11).
You must always live in hope.
With Jesus in your life, you will never face your problems alone.
You will know victory instead of failure.
You can stand with Jesus and He will guide you through life in ways that are far better than you can ever think or imagine.
Jesus will put your life together again and walk with you step by step. ( 1 John 5:12, Ephesians 3:20, Romans 8:31-39, Isaiah 48:17). "There is still hope for Israel."
There is still hope for the Nation, your family and your life.          
Pray this prayer to discover real hope: " Dear Lord Jesus, I am in a place that is dry like a desert.
It is a place where I have no hope. Please forgive me of the wrong things I have done and send genuine hope into my life like rain in a dry, barren place.
I surrender my heart to you and ask that you take control of my life now in Jesus'name - Amen!
Once again don't give up or surrender, there is hope for your life( Jeremiah 29:11, Deuteronomy 31:6-8).                                  
May the Lord give you hope and richly bless you all!
Evangelist Fanuel Masikati

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