Thursday 16 August 2018


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! In the world we live in, there are many people who feel offended and are harbouring unforgiveness. However, many offended people never really feel like they are treated quite good enough.
My message is entitled : " BREAKING  THE CYCLE OF OFFENSE". Offended people may even feel that the reason good things don't happen to them is because society is out to get them. As a result, they are constantly moving from one unpleasant situation to another.
The scripture says, " Woe  unto the world because of offences! For It must needs be that offences come; but woe  to that man by whom the offence cometh." ( Matthew 18:7).
For instance, some people, move from one relationship to another, always complaining about the last person who hurt and disappointed them. This kind of behavior perpetuates the cycle of  offense. 
You must break the cycle of offense. To break this cycle, you must reject the belief that everyone is out to get you.
That is merely a lie from the devil and if you believe it, then you will play right into his trap. The devil's snare ( trap) is broken today in the name of Jesus !  ( Psalm 124:6-7). Refuse to expect something hurtful or wrong to be done to you. Don't allow the devil to keep you in that type of bondage.
Living in offense can cost you your life, your family, your sanity, or your ministry.
Offenses keep you in a spiritual solitary confinement and captivity. Don't give the devil a foothold! ( Ephesians 4:27).
Some offended people tend to change churches frequently.
Of course, there are legitimate reasons for changing churches, like a desire to be with family and friends, a job transfer, or God calls you to a new place.
These are among the various acceptable reasons for changing churches.
However, there are also unacceptable reasons for changing churches.
For instance , some people church  - hop because something a church does always offends them. They go to one church for a while, but when something is done that they don't like, they change churches.
These people can spend their entire lives floating from one church to another, always offended by the previous place.
There is always something wrong with the last church that sends them seeking yet another place of worship.
Moving from church to church is really no different than changing from one relationship to another - it is simply done on a larger scale.
A pattern of an offended person can also include switching from job to job.
After being in the job for six or eight months, suddenly someone doesn't treat them right, and they become offended.
Such people need to renew their mind with the word all the time, in order to break the cycle of offense. ( Romans 12:2).
Moving from one situation to another, whether it is friendship, a church, or employment, becomes  a pattern in the life of an offended person.
As you can plainly see, offense affects every aspect of life.
Although it may be possible to hoodwink others about being offended, when it comes to dealing with the things of God , you won't get away with it.
The next time you wonder why things are not going well, you might want to consider whether or not you are holding on to an offense that is preventing the blessing of God in your life.
If you will be truly honest with yourself, you will be able to recognize offense when it is hindering you.
Then you can be set free! Break the cycle of offense and live freely !
Offenses and unforgiveness, can hinder you from praying freely and receiving your blessings.
Release, bitterness, anger, temper, malice and unforgiveness, right now, in the name of Jesus. ( Ephesians 4:31-32, Mark 11:25-26).                      
Be delivered from the cycle of offense!           
Be strengthened and encouraged in the name of Jesus.                                       
May God bless you all richly!
Evangelist Fanuel Msikati

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