Friday 15 September 2017

Receive your Healing!

SHALOM! I just want to share a message entitled : " Receive Your Healing." The Bible says, " Is there no balm in Gelead, Is there no Physician there? Why then is there no recovery For the health of the daughter of my people?" ( Jeremiah 8:22). " Heal me, O Lord , and I shall be healed; Save me,  and I shall be saved, For you are my praise. " ( Jeremiah 17:14).
 Jesus Christ is the healer of all physical and emotional infirmities. Let the Lord do a work in you. If you want physical healing, He wants to heal your body. If you need emotional healing, He wants to heal your heart. It is allright to yield to Him. Pour your heart to Him . Let the pain go in the name of Jesus. Let the past go. Let those hurts and scars and memories all go
. Forget about the former things. Focus on the future, for God to do new things in your life. ( ISAIH 43:18-20). Let the Lord do a work in you. God is not in a hurry. He has all the time in the world for you. Don't believe the lie that it is too late for you. You are not late or running behind. You are right where God wants you, and this is your time.
 I can sense that you are worried and stressed, because you think things are not moving according to your expectations. Remember God has His own calendar and time of doing things in our lives. (Ecclesiastes  3:1-8, ISAIH 40:31).
 In order for you to accomplish what God wants you to do,  you have to be made whole. You have to be healed inside and out. And God wants to do that. Don't worry about what your spouse might think or what your family or friends might think. Your restoration is too important. God has not forgotten you. He wants to heal you and set you free, so that you can be the person He has destined you to be!
Maybe you have become so depressed that you have thought of ending your life. Maybe you think it would be better for your family if you just ended it all. If you have  had those thoughts, the Lord wants to deliver you.
 He sees your situation and what you have been through. Your life is precious to Him! He wants to heal you and turn your situation around so that you can  live the long, abundant life, on this earth that He has promised you. ( Psalm 91:14-16).
 As you trust in the Lord and totally rely upon Him, He is going to see you through the recovery process, no matter how it takes to be healed. And He will see you through and cause you to be strong and to minister God's healing power to those around you.
 Are you ready to trust Him? Lift up your faith right now and expect your miracle healing. Just believe and you will receive your healing and deliverance in the name of Jesus.
 " Receive Your Healing! "  By the stripes of Jesus you  are healed! ( 1 Peter 2:24). AMEN! 
 Stay blessed and Stress free!                                          
 Evangelist Fanuel Masikati                      