Tuesday 5 September 2017


Greetings in the name of Jesus! In introducing  the subject of giving a foothold to the devil, I want to start by mentioning that many people are allowing some demonic forces to attack or influence them, by giving room  to acts of sin and bad habits.

What is a foothold?
A foothold is:

>A hold or support for the feet.
>A place where a person may stand or tread securely.
>A secure position, especially a firm basis of further progress or development.

In Ephesians 4vs 27, the Bible says, " Don't give the devil a foothold". You can find a man or woman, behaving strangely because of what they have allowed themselves to see or practice, which ends up affecting their lives.
The devil can have support for attacking you through certain loopholes that may be created in your life. That is if you give him a foothold {room) to penetrate your life and family.

The scripture says, we need to put on our new nature, created to be like God -truly righteous and Holy ( Ephesians 4vs24).

Many people are not able to live like Christ, because they are hanging on to their old nature of life, which is their old character and habits.
Do not give the devil some legal rights to attack you.
Never allow the devil to have a place in you where he may stand or tread securely in your life.

Putting on a new nature, means having the re-created heart of God and a born again spirit.( 2 Corinthians 5vs17).
Ezekiel says, I will give you a new heart and  I will put a new Spirit in you. This means a born again spirit as a new creation that is led by the Holy Spirit. ( Galatians 5vs16).

Ezekiel 36vs25 says, "Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away and you will no longer worship  idols".
Worshipping idols, is to worship things that promote the devil, such as pornographic videos, pictures,
materials and other things meant to please the flesh. ( Romans 8vs5-6).
God says he will take out your stony and stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive and kind heart.

That is a heart of:

>Long suffering

So if we have to do God's will we should obey his word and feed our spirit with the things of God. Let us not conform to the standards of this world, but transform our minds with the word and do that which is perfect and the will of God. (Romans 12vs1vs1-2).

If you have a good heart and love other people, there will be no room for hatred.
Hatred, jealous, anger and corruption, create room for the devil to have a foothold on you,  which may attract demonic influences and attacks.

Job remained upright and blameless, although he was tried and tested by the devil. He withstood challenges and temptations, and did not sin as he feared God. ( Job 1vs1-9, Proverbs 9vs10-11, Proverbs 22vs4).

Paul in Ephesians, reminds believers that they should stop telling lies. The devil is a father of all lies and if we lie, we promote the devil.( John 8vs44).

The Bible in 1 Peter 5vs8-9, says the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. We therefore should always be alert, so that we may not allow the devil to destroy us.

The devil can have many footholds, if we live recklessly.
We should also endeavour to control our anger, so that we may not leave room for the devil to dominate and attack us ( Ephesians 4vs 26).
Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.
Ephesians 4vs27 says, "For anger gives a foothold for the devil". The devil has found a hiding place in many people's hearts, who remain angry for the rest of their lives. However, such people are affected physically and spiritually. You cannot pray and worship freely, if you are harbouring unforgiveness and hurt.

Many people are living in a cage, because they have refused to forgive and forget and they are now suffering for the rest of their lives.

The person who is holding someone in his or her heart, is in prison and cannot achieve anything because even their prayer life is affected, due to bitterness and anger ( Ephesians 4vs31).
You should get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slander, as well as all types of evil behaviour (  Philippians 1vs29).
The Bible says, " He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls" ( Proverbs 25vs 28). Anger and rage expose you to evil spirits and many spiritual attacks, because the Holy Spirit shuns violence and anger. Let us not grieve the Holy spirit by failing to control our temper. (Ephesians 4vs30).

Some challenges you are facing in your life today, are a result of disobedience and arrogance.
You allowed the devil to have a foothold on you and everything is now in disarray.

Just repent and turn away from your wicked ways and you can receive your deliverance and be set free in the name of Jesus. ( 2 Chronicles 7vs14). Let us do works that befit repentance. ( Acts 26vs20).

Remember, you are fighting invisible battles which cannot be fought physically, but spiritually.
So put on the armour of God , in order to resist the devil and live a successful life that is free from demonic influence and oppression.

Whatever we say must be encouraging to others and not destructive.
Don't grieve the Holy Spirit by the way you live. The Holy Spirit is sensitive and can easily be offended, if we do not live right.

The way we dress, walk, talk and even look, can grieve the Holy Spirit.
The way we talk or live is also influenced by what we feed our spirit with.
In Matthew 12vs33-37, the Bible says " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". This means that what comes out of our mouth, is a product of what we feed on spiritually.
So if you feed your spirit with the word of God, you will be able to talk well and control yourself. Let
the word of God dwell richly inside you. ( Colossians 3vs16).

The scripture says, a tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is bad, its fruit will bad.
Whatever is in our hearts, determines what we say.
>So what are you feeding your spirit with?
>Is it good or bad?
Check your record and repent today.
Don't allow the devil to have a foothold  by feeding yourself with chuff and pornography.

Social media and television, while these are powerful tools of entertainment and communication, have also immensely influenced human behaviour and personality.
There is need to select and choose carefully what we watch and listen to.
Don't just listen to all types of music. Be selective and sensitive in the spirit.
Some songs and films are demonic and you can be affected in the long run.

Your body is a temple of the Holy spirit. You must not abuse it. ( 1 Corinthians 6vs19; 2 Corinthians 6vs14-18).

Do not team up with unbelievers and be snared together with immoral people.
The Bible in Colossians 3vs5 says, " So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you, Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust and evil desires.
Do not be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshipping the things of this world".

I conclude by saying, stop provoking God and do not promote the devil's tricks and immoral activities.

Don't let sin affect your future, surrender everything to Jesus, he will deliver and set you free.
Whatever you are facing now, you can be delivered and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. ( 1 John1vs7-9).

Don't give the devil a foothold!

May God richly bless you.

Evangelist Fanuel Masikati
Email: Divinerevelations7@gmail.com
Cell:  263778495363


  1. Replies
    1. Amen awesome Evangelist you thought us to live sin and follow good steps of God

  2. God does not tempt us but we are tempted by our own evil desires.We indeed attract evil on our own many times..Oh Lord create in me a clean heart!Thank you Evangelist.May God richly bless you

  3. God does not tempt us but we are tempted by our own evil desires.We indeed attract evil on our own many times..Oh Lord create in me a clean heart!Thank you Evangelist.May God richly bless you

  4. Indeed, this is the awesome truth! Thank you Evangelist for sharing!

  5. Powerful message, thank you

  6. Amen..thank you for the word

  7. Amen amen thank you for the empowering word may the Lord help us be alert so we can react accordingly

  8. Thank you for the powerful message, Amen, keep on creating awareness, stay blessed

  9. Thank you for the powerful message Amen
