Wednesday 17 March 2021



Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!  Here is the word for your meditation and prayer! Ndinokukwazisai muzita raMambo Jesu. The title of my message is: " PUT AWAY THE KNIFE OF YOUR TONGUE/DZORERA BANGA RORURIMI RWAKO MUKATI" Tirikuona panyaya yataverenga muna Mateo 26:49-54, kuti kwama kore matatu nemwedzi pamusoro, Apostle Peter vakafamba naJesu, asi mozoshamisva kuona achiburitsa banga muGethsemane nzvimbo yokunamata achicheka nzeve ya Malchus.  It is possible that a person can spend many years worshipping in Church, but still carries his or her knife in the form of a sharp and destructive tongue. Banga randiri kutaura harizi  banga rinobatika, asi kuti ingava maitiro ako, nematauriro ako anokonzeresa kuti vanhu vakuvare pakutenda kwavo. Vamwe vanemapanga emashoko, akakutaurira rimwe chete, unopinda mumagumbeze masikati. Vamwe vane mapanga emakuhwa anoparadza. Vamwe vanemapanga eshanje. ( Ephesians 4:26-32). Vamwe vane mapanga ekusaregerera, nehasha. Munenge muchiimba mese, muchiparidza mese, muchinamata mese, asi kana zvaipa, ndopaunoona banga richibuda mugemenzi kana uniform. Kungomuti tokonyo nyangwe akapfeka svutu inodhura, banga rinobuda musamba kana mumukana rinotaura zvinyadzi zvausati wambonzva muhupenyu hwako hwese. Rega kuva mukirisitu anehasha dzokuti unoda kurwa nevanhu kana kutuka muchechi, nemunharaunda yaunogara. Ndati kune zvimwe zvisingadi mapanga mhani Peter, nukuti hatirwi nenyama neropa asi nemweya yakaipa, zvinongoda shoko raMwari, kukunda hondo dzemweya yerima. ( Ephesians 6:10-18).  Jesus was supposed to die, for mankind to be delivered from the powers of darkness and sin. But Peter did not see that revelation when he cut off Malchus's ear, thinnking he was doing the right thing by protecting Jesus. In the eyes of Peter Malchus was an enemy, but did not  know that Malchus was in God's plan for Jesus Christ to die, in order to save mankind.( John 10:10, Acts 4:12, John 3:16). Hazvishamisi kuti unogona kuva mufundisi, Mu apositori, Muporofita, Muvhangeri, Muparidzi, kana Bishop vane ma degree e Theology kana ma Diploma, asi usina kuzarurirwa kwezvido zvaMwari, wopedzisira uchicheka dzeve dzavatendi. Such men and women of God without revelation of the plan of God, end up working against God's will and plan, thinking that they are doing the  right thing, like apostle Peter.  Peter paakacheka nzeve ya Malchus, Jesu haana kuti waita basa, asi akatomutsiura.  Pane dzimwe nguva dzokuti unogona kuita zvimwe zvinhu uchifunga kuti urikubatsira Mwari, asi iwe uchito kanya, kana kuti kukanganisa. Sezvakaita murume wainzi Uzzah kuna 2 Samuel 6:6-7, akaedza kuda kubatsira paakaona Areka yaMwari yava kuda kudhona, asi wakazofa achiedza kubatsira. The word says, Uzzah tried to assist the Ark of God from falling, thinking that he was doing good but he ended up dying himself, as a result. Saka haizi nyaya yemanyawi yekuda kugadzirisa paunga funga kuti paka minama, kana kuipa, unogona kusvifira. Iva nemaziso emweya okuona zvido zvaMwari, nenzeve dzomweya dzokunzva zvinotaura Mwari, kuti usazo kanya kana kutadza. Huye Peter Mugetsemani wakatadza kunamata, asi pava panyaya dzehasha akawana simba rokucheka  dzeve ya Malchus. Imagine Peter at Gethsemane  failed to pray and slept, while Jesus went further to pray during his deciding and trying moment, because he had no energy, but surprisingly he had the energy to cut off Malchus's ear. Tinavo vatendi vokuti simba rekunamata havana, asi remakuhwa vanaro, simba rekuverenga Bhaibheri haana, asi roku verenga newspaper nezvinyadzi ( ponorgeaphic material) anaro, simba rekuparidza haana, asi simba rokushora zvaparidzwa nevamwe, anaro. Rasa banga iro iwe mutendi! Throw away that sword! Remember, we are talking about Peter who saw Jesus at transfiguration, who also walked on top of water( although he later wanted to drown), who ate miracle bread and caught many fish as well as experiencing many miracles and God's power, but still went on to cut off Malchus's ear. Ndipo panotyisa apa kuti munhu anenge afamba naMwari ozoonekwa anebanga, kana mamwe maitiro anokuvadza mweya yavatendi. Ungange uri umwe wavanhu vanongoda kukonzeresa bopoto muchechi, munharaunda yaunogara, kana mhumhuri, unofanira kutendeuka nhasi utakure muchinjikwa wako utevere Jesu.(Matthew 16:24)  Ramba usiye zvose zvakaipa zvinokonzera nyonga nyonga mumhuri, ne mumasangano akasiyana siyana, utendeuke nhasi utevere Jesu nhasi.( Matthew 16:24)  Usava mutendi asingadi kuti vamwe vanzve  shoko raMwari nekucheka nzeve dzavo nehasha, nemakuhwa mhani. Sei usingadi kuti vamwe vapone? Ziva kuti chose chaunoita kuti vamwe vanhu vasanzva vhangeri, ibanga rinocheka munhu nzeve. Ndati rasa banga iro mhani!! Any behavior which causes other believers not to enjoy the gospel, is  the knife of the tongue, throw it away, and repent in the name of Jesus Christ.  Kungava kutuka, kushora,  kunyepa, shanje, kana chimwe chinhu chinokonzera kuti vamwe vasanzva kana kufarira vhangeri ibanga iroro, rirashe mhani, nezita raJesu-Amen!  Ndati " Dzosera banga rerurimi rwako mumuromo" Rasa banga!  Iva nesimba rokuita zvakanaka, usava nesimba rekuputsa, nekuparadza. Have the energy of doing good things, not the energy of destruction and harm!

 May God richly bless you!         

Evangelist Fanuel Masikati

Contact cell: +263778495363

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