Friday 1 May 2020


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!  Here is the word for your meditation and prayer this morning! I want to start by mentioning that many people are not prepared to wait for God's appointed time. The Bible  says, " But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread  their wings and soar like eagles,             They run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind." ( Isaiah 40:31 MSG). The title of my message is:"WHY DOES GOD WAIT SO LONG?"
I really enjoy  what God is allowing me to do in ministry, but I try not to let my self-worth become   tied up in it. The reason is that if someday I am not able to do this anymore, I still want to have joy. I still want to enjoy my life.  I still want to know that I am a valuable person. When  God  came to Abraham and told him that He was going to bless him, Abraham said to God, " That's fine, but what I really want is a son." God said, I am  going to give you what you ask for," but He didn't give to Abraham right away. 
The word  says  "Abraham was hundred  years old when Isaac was born" ( Genesis 21:5). Actually, twenty years went by from the time God promised Abraham that he would have a child to the time that child was born. In fact, Abraham was already old when God first  gave him  the promise  of a son.
By the time Abraham fathered that child, his wife had already gone through the change of life(menopause). She had a barren womb. So Abraham and Sarah not only had a prayer request, they also needed a miracle. Ins't it interesting that sometimes when you ask God for something, He lets it go so long, the  only thing that can possibly produce what you asked for is a miracle? Why does  God do that? Because He likes " to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him" ( 2 Chronicles 16:9).   
When Martha and Mary sent for Jesus to come and minister to their brother, Lazarus, who was gravely ill, why did Jesus wait two days longer, until Lazarus had actually died and was buried, before He went and raised Lazarus from the dead? It was because  Jesus  already knew what He was going to do for Lazarus. 
If something is dead - a dream, a desire, a want, a need - it doesn't matter  to God how dead it is. God can still bring it back to life in His timing because our God is an awesome God. Jeremiah 32:27 says, " I am God, the God of everything living. Is there anything I can't do?"( MSG) Nothing  is too hard for Him.
That is why He is never in a hurry and why it seems as if He often waits until nothing will work but a miracle. The Bible also says, " I don't think the way you think. The way you work isn't the the way I work. " For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.( Isaiah 55:8-9 MSG)
I don't know what area of your life has been barren for a long time, don't give up, just wait upon the Lord, you are about to receive your Isaac.  Even at such a time as this you may be waiting for your healing, deliverance, and breakthrough, just receive it by faith in the name of Jesus. ( Exodus 15:26, Jeremiah 30:17, Jeremiah 8:22, Jeremiah 17:14).
Remember, with God all things are possible(Matthew 19:26)
Be strengthened and encouraged in the name of Jesus!       
May God richly bless you all!                      
Evangelist Fanuel Masikati

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