Sunday 7 July 2019


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Here is the word for your meditation and prayer!
We have observed that the focus of Christianity today is money, prosperity, establishment, safety and self - preservation.
The goals of most Christians are to get more money, houses, cars, and security. Even pastors measure their success by the amount of money they have and by the size of the offerings in their churches. The Expanded Bible in 2 Corinthians 2:17 says,       " We do not ·sell [peddle] the word of God for a profit as many other people do. But in Christ we speak the truth ·before [in the presence of] God, as ·messengers of [envoys of; L from] God."  The Living Bible in 2 Corinthians 2:17 also says,                  " Only those who, like ourselves, are men of integrity, sent by God, speaking with Christ’s power, with God’s eye upon us. We are not like those hucksters—and there are many of them—whose idea in getting out the Gospel is to make a good living out of it."
The message of prosperity has become the message of the church.  Many people's minds have been programmed to receiving instead of sacrificing for the cross and  harvesting of souls. The church must be seen as a group of people who sacrifice for the Kingdom and not as a group of people who only receive blessings.
You will notice that whenever the church has a miracle working service, the attendance is different  from when it is a teaching service, an ordinary weekday service, or a training camp session.  Any meeting that calls for some kind of work like witnessing or prayer is poorly attended.
However the crowds gather when they expect to receive miracles. But the church is supposed to be a place where we "take up our crosses and follow Him". ( Matthew 16:24). 
Money has never been a measure of God's approval of our lives and never will be.
The Bible clearly teaches that in the last days, some will suppose that gain is godliness. " Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth,  supposing that Gain is Godliness" ( 1 Timothy 6:5).
True gospel is about sacrifice.  " Sacrifice" means " giving up something ". Many of us first heard of the word  sacrifice from the Bible. Throughout the old Testament, we see the Israelites  making sacrifices to God continually. You could not think of a prophet of God in the Bible without thinking about sacrifices. You could not think of Elijah, without thinking of his experience with the 400 prophets of Baal.
Yet today sacrifice is one of the most hushed topics. Today the theme of our preaching is prosperity, miracles and blessings. The church has totally abandoned the original message of sacrifice and harvesting of souls. ( Matthew  28:19-20, Romans 12:1-2).
The church has become a phantom of the original church;  fearful and powerless. Other religions constantly demonstrate to us the essence and practice of sacrifice. The message of sacrifice and salvation is very relevant for all of us today.
The teaching of sacrifice must return to the church otherwise we will continue to be a phantom of the real church! ( Matthew 6: 20-33, Acts 7:55-56,)  Is there anything for  Christ in our Christian life?  Apostle Paul says, " But Christ has shown me that what I once thought was valuable is worthless. Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all rubbish. All I want is Christ. ( Philippians 3:7-8 CEV).
Paul made many sacrifices for his faith and was glad about it. There is nothing like living for God without paying the price. Some people want to be pastors without paying the price. Be honest with yourself and accept the reality of sacrifice.  ( Hebrew 13:15).
We must focus our effort in sacrificing for the harvesting of many souls to Christ, instead of preaching the gospel for our personal gain. We don't sell the gospel for money, but sacrifice our resources, time and comfort for the sake of the salvation for many people into the kingdom of God.
The power of sacrifice unlocks doors for the manifestation of God's glory among many believers. Set aside and sacrifice time for doing God's business and he will also take care of your own business. Commit yourself for the sacrifice of preaching the gospel of Christ in order to bring many souls to Christ. Pray, fast, read the word, meditate and proclaim the good news of Christ to the lost souls and the backslidden. ( Ephesians 6:18, Joshua 1:8, 2 Timothy 3:16-17). Let us be genuine soul harvesters and bring more people to Christ. (Luke 4:18) Have a prayerful and spirit filled week!        
May God richly bless you!
Evangelist Fanuel Masikati

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