Tuesday 17 July 2018



Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!
Everyday I feel a push to share God's word.
Today I want to share one of my favourite verse in the Old Testament.
Ezekiel 22:30 says, " I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me."
The title of my message is: " STAND IN THE GAP FOR YOUR CHILDREN".  Standing in the gap is serious business.
The eyes of the Lord go back and fourth, looking for someone who will stand in the gap for someone else. ( 2 Chronicles 16:9).
When someone is away from God, there is a gap between that person and God. He is not able to fill that gap and come to God because his faith is too weak.
Someone else is needed who is  willing to pray and stand in faith in the gap between that person and God .
By praying and standing in faith, the Christian builds a bridge for the weak person to come to God.This can be done for groups of people or even for entire cities, but this time I want to teach you how to stand in the gap for your children.
How you stand in the gap for your children depends on your prayer life.
Pray at night that God would visit you and wake you up to read the Bible and intercede for your children and other people. The Bible says, " Rise in the night and cry to your God. Pour out your hearts like water to the Lord;  lift up your hands to him;  plead for your children as they faint with hunger in the streets." ( Lamentations 2:19 TLB ).
Desire and feel the push to stand in the gap on behalf of other people as you intercede for them.
In particular you must always have that urge and responsibility to pray for your children everyday.  This is so important as it shapes and moulds your children to become strong Christian believers in future.
The love for your family must drive you to always find time to stand in the gap for them.
There are lions and leopards which are always desiring  to pounce and devour people,  particularly, children. 
So there is need to protect and cover  them with the blood of Jesus,  through prayer and declaration of the living Word of God. ( 1 Peter 5:7-10, Acts 20:32 ).
Even in the jungle, lions always go for the weak young buffalos and elephants, to attack and kill. Stand in the gap for your children and protect them from both physical and spiritual destruction.  Mothers and Fathers, be always alert and awake, as you contuously intercede for your children.
However, when you pray for something for two years without getting It, you will become nervous if you  aren't grounded in God's Word.
We need to always feed our spirits with the word of God. ( Collosians 3:16-17)  
God wants you to trust Him  with patience.  ( Isaih 40::28-31).
Anything outside of patience is doubt. Patience and endurance, is what you  need while waiting for God's time. ( Hebrews 10:35-39) 
If you do not have the peace of God about what you are asking God for, you are in doubt and it won't work. ( Philippians 4:6-7) 
So as you stand in the gap praying for your children and other people, you must be patient as you wait for answered prayers. ( Jeremiah 33:3, Isaiah 65:24, 1 John 5:14-15).
Be prepared to face  risks and sacrifices while standing in the gap for your children and other people. You must always set aside enough time for prayer and Bible study, so that you grow and be strong as a prayer warrior. ( Mark 1:35, Ephesians 6:18, Joshua 1:8).
You must also be prepared to carry the cross on your own behalf and on behalf of your children.   ( Matthew16:24).
It is a sacrifice and commitment, which calls for Faith and dedication, to stand in the gap for  your children.
Jesus Christ stood in the gap for all God's children. (John 3:16).
Him who knew no sin, became  sin, so that we could all  be saved.( Acts 4:12).
" Stand  in the gap for your children ".
Stand in the gap for your family and Church!
Stand in the gap for your Nation! (2 Chronicles 7:14 ).
Pray without Ceasing!  (Ephesians 6:18, 1 Tessalonians 5:17). 
May God richly bless you all!                   
Evangelist Fanuel Masikati