Saturday 12 May 2018


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! 
I just want to encourage someone who is about to give up because of trials and tribulations.
The title of my message is: " TIMES OF TESTING PASS! "
I personally, when I am facing difficult times, I tell myself, "This cannot last forever.
This, too, shall pass." You can probably look back at your life and see many difficult times you have endured even though at the time you thought , "I cannot stand this for another day."
The devil probably tempted you every five minutes to believe the trial was going to last forever.
The Bible says, " My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.         
But let patience have her perfect work, that he may be perfect and entire,  wanting nothing." ( James 1:1-4).
 As you consider how many times you have already made it to the other side of pain, you can be confident you will make it again through Christ who strengthens you. ( Phillipians 4:13).
And on the other side of trials, you will see how God turned those experiences into good for your life. ( Romans 8:28).
All things work together for good for those that love God, and are called according to His purpose.
If you have been having problems for six months or more, it probably seems your problem has lasted for an eternity.
But our years on earth are only a little drop of nothing compared to forever.
Paul knew that the season's of trials pass.
It is tough when we are going through trials, but Paul learned to keep his eyes on the prize of heaven and trusted God to prepare him so that God's glory  was revealed through his life. 
He wrote: " For our light, momentary affliction  ( this slight distress of the passing hour ) is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory ( beyond all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all calculations,  a vast and transcendent glory  and blessedness never to cease!), since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal  ( brief and fleeting), but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting. "  ( 2 Corinthians 4:17-18). 
When you are tempted to become discontented, remember: This, too, shall pass." No matter how bad your current situation may look,  God loves you.
Never let go of the truth that God loves you, no matter what is going on in your life.
You can trust that everything will work out good for you because God loves you. 
The people who have real problems are those who don't know Jesus.
They have valid problems because they don't have hope.
But the people who know their God, will be strong and take action. (Daniel 11:32).
As believers we are more than conquerors because we have Jesus walking with us through our problems. (Romans 8:31-39). 
Your worst day with Jesus will be better than your best day without Him.
Make a decision to be content. 
Even when you are facing challenges or sickness, just say, ' God,  I love you.
I know  You love me.
I trust you.
I believe that this is going to work out for good.
All things work together for good. "
Repeat these words several times until things change in your life.
All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Don't you know it makes the devil mad when he throws his best shot at us, but we stay full of Joy?  No matter what he does, we can still say, "I love YOU,  God. I trust You, and I know this is going to work for my good. "
No problem or challenge lasts forever. 
Everything under heaven has a season and time, it shall come to pass.  ( Ecclesiastes 3:1, 1 Corinthians 10:13).
May you be strengthened and encouraged in the name of Jesus.                
God bless you all!
Evangelist Fanuel Masikati

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